Cases of malnutrition expected to increase in Kasese district following the recent disasters


 Leaders from the sub -counties that were recently affected by landslides, floods and mudslides in Kasese district have presented fear that the rate of malnutrition might increase in their lower local governments following the level of destruction inflicted on the crop gardens.

Early May this year, most sub-counties in Kasese district witnessed heavy rains that caused landslides and floods leading to destruction of property including crops and houses and loss of lives.

Speaking during the District Disaster Management Meeting that was held today at multipurpose hall in Nyamwamba Division, the leaders argued that people of the victims are currently facing a challenge of lack of food following the incident.

Mr. Edson Bukombi Syaipuma, the Mbunga Sub-county Chief, told the committee that many people’s crops were buried by the landslides in almost all the parishes in his area of jurisdiction.

He appealed to the development partners who are working with the district on issues related to disasters to go deeper on ground and assess the level of damage and likely effects of lack of food to the growth and development of children and expectant mothers.

Mr. Pimako Kasereka, the Nyamwamba Division Chairperson stressed that all the affected people in his area of command have not been catered for in any way especially when it comes to accessing some relief from the donors.

Mr. Isaac Mbusa, a Climate Specialist who is representing the United Nations Capital Development Fund in Kasese suggested that there needs to be serious sensitization of the community members on how they can adapt to disasters since they are not ending.

According to him, living in camps might not be a solution to the disasters but imparting knowledge onto the residents would be better.

Mustafa Kikusa, the Kasese District Principal Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, who chaired the meeting, observed need for the development partners to provide psychosocial support services to the victims in addition to the relief food, cash and non food items that they are giving out to them.

He, however, encouraged the Sub- county Chiefs to work closely with the partners and provide the required data regarding the welfare of the victims so that they can be helped.


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