Ministry of Water and Environment needs shillings 125 billion for putting in place measures of controlling River Nyamwamba from flooding


The Ministry of Water and Environment is looking for shillings 125 billion for putting in place long term measures of controlling River Nyamwamba from flooding into the community in Kasese town.

River Nyamwamba is among the major rivers streaming from the Rwenzori Mountains which have continuously affected economic development and the wellbeing of the people since May 01, 2013.

Eng. Steven Ogwete, the Principal Engineer at the Ministry of Water and Environment says about five kilometers of River Nyamwamba stream has been de-silted and re-directed at shillings 17 billion, adding that the remaining 25 kilometers of the water stream needs shillings 125 billion to also be de-silted and maintained.

Eng. Ogwete who was today addressing the District Disaster Management Committee members during an interaction meeting with the UPDF Cadet Officers from Kabamba Military Academy at Uhuru 50 Gardens, highlighted that once the money is realized, they would procure a permanent machine to periodically de-silt the River Channel.

The Cadet Officers who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Defence Studies were in Kasese to share experiences with the members of the District Disaster Management Committee. The Cadet Officers who were 65 in number wanted to gain practical skills so that they are enabled to expand their knowledge on Disaster Risk Reduction as part of their course units.

Mr. Joseph Singoma, the Kasese District Disaster Focal Person told the trainees that since 2013, at least 54 people have lost their lives to the floods and a lot of property destroyed.

Maj. Amos Akangwase, the Course Coordinator at Kabamba Military Academy, appealed to the leaders in Kasese to sensitize the people on how to reclaim the forest cover through planting more trees on the bare hills and the communities in which they live.


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