President Museveni condoles with a family that lost three members to landslides in Kasese with shillings 10 million


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has condoled with the family that lost three people to the landslides in Mapata village, Bugoye Sub-county in Kasese district with shillings 10 million.

On May 02, three people including Edison Bwambale, 29, Felesi Mbambu, 22 and their one and a half year old daughter, Catherine Musoki died after a landslide hit a house in which they were residing and buried them instantly.

The bodies of the deceased persons were later retrieved from the rubble and taken to Kathoma village in Buhaghura Parish, Rukooki Sub-county for a decent burial.

Today afternoon, the Kasese Deputy RDC in-charge of Busongora County thronged Kathoma village and delivered President Museveni’s condolence.

Mr. Zepher Mubingwa told the bereaved family that when the President heard the sad news, he did not hide his disappointment over the loss of Ugandans in the districts of Kasese and the neighboring Bunyangabu.

Mubingwa, however, told the bereaved family members that despite the loss of their dear ones, they should embrace hard work in a bid to improve their livelihoods.

Hon. Sowedi Kitanywa, the Busongora County North Member of Parliament, who said had personally already condoled with the family, reminded them of the need to support the ruling government in an attempt to tap more opportunities from it.

Mr. Girivazio Monday Bwambale, the Kasese District Secretary for Social services who represented the District Chairperson, encouraged the local leaders to sensitize the masses about the dangers of constructing their houses on hilly areas in order to minimize the rate at which landslides are causing havoc in the district.

The Bugoye Sub-county Chairperson, Mr. James Katalikawa Muthulhanda, urged the residents to plant more trees along the bare hills so as to curtail the re-occurrence of disasters.

While receiving the condolence on behalf of the family, Mr. Johnson Kimugha, hailed President Museveni for thinking about them.

He pledged to mobilize to mobilize support for the NRM government following her pro-people programmes and services to the population.



  • Chris May 23, 2024

    Local civilization of every citizen ..Self empowerment through making terraces extensively,tree planting, Rain water harvesting, paspalum compounds
    Floods and landslides would be no more

  • Alozius Muhindo May 26, 2024

    Thank you Messiah for the updates

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