Residents of Kemihoko Cell long for permanent solutions on dilapidated infrastructure


The residents of Kemihoko Cell and other surrounding areas in Nyamwamba Division have got a reason to smile after a temporary bridge on River Sebwe that connects the area to Bugoye sub-county has been completed.

In February this year, the Executive Director for the Youth Forum in the Office of the First Lady donated shillings 1 million to help the residents erect the said bridge after realizing that there was a big challenge related to the transportation of agricultural goods from the gardens to the market centres especially during the rainy season.

The bride which was officially commissioned yesterday has been a public outcry since the river had started claiming the lives of residents while trying to cross to either sides of the river.

Mr. Yofesi Masereka, a resident of Kemihoko cell says the bridge has helped them to transport their agricultural produce to Kigaramire market to earn a living.

Ms Rosemary Kabugho, another resident who also doubles as a Businesswoman says before the bridge, they could face a challenge of high transport fares because one would be forced to pass via Kisanyarazi to Kigaramire, adding that the bridge has not only become a short cut to the market but also cost friendly.

Ms Staluzi Ithungu, another resident is optimistic that the bridge will help some school going children and community members to cross to either sides of the river to access different social services.  

The residents, however, used the same platform to report another challenge of lack of safe and clean drinking water in the area that they said needs the attention of the leaders.


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