Kasese Deputy RDC applauds Y-FURI for its efforts towards socio-economic transformation


The office of the Kasese Resident District Commissioner (RDC) has commended the operations of Youth Foundation and Rural Initiative, Y-FURI in the district. 

Y-FURI is a community based organization that works with grass root groups towards improving the livelihood of among others media practitioners, the youth, People With Disabilities, elderly, young mothers, widows and the orphans through peace building using various approaches including community Parliament. 

Started in 2016, Y-FURI operates under the core areas of capacity building, lobbying and advocacy, research information and communication, linking and networking, economic and social empowerment among others.

According to the Organization Coordinator, Julius Kasyakulhu, they strive to develop and implement durable solutions that will benefit the vulnerable communities in Rwenzori sub-region including improving health care systems, proper accountability and access to quality and basic education and creating capacity for preparedness and response to emergencies. 

With the vision of building up the dreams, aspirations, personal struggles and opportunities for positive change and success in life, Kasyakulhu said that their mission is to have a transformed community of different ethnicities with improved skills and build people’s capability to create local solutions for local problems through peace building approach. 

Kasyakulhu said that the organization is basically focusing on four major ground projects including goat/piggery, social/community, savings and credit, and hands on skills programs which include supporting them with tailoring machines, welding machines, basket weaving and carpentry tools. 

He revealed that Y-FURI is working in 21 sub-counties across Kasese district and has managed to register 2,729 members and a total of 69 member groups as well as training them in peace building and livelihood, conflict management, gender based violence and financial literacy.

Kasyakulhu was reading a report during the official launch of a new project entitled “Community Voice.” 

According to Kasyakulhu, a 3-year project which will be implemented in 25 sub-counties in Kasese district is an advocacy for service delivery and accountability through community Parliament.

Now, the Kasese Deputy RDC in charge of Busongora County South, Zepher Mubingwa who graced the launch, described Y-FURI as among the best transparent organizations operating in Kasese district whose vision and missions are well known to the people and security organs.


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