Withdrawal of health workers at Kilembe Mines Hospital sparks fresh conflicts


Bickering has again erupted between the political leadership and technical staff of Kasese Municipality following the withdrawal of some health workers from Kilembe Mines Hospital.

The withdrawn health workers have since been redeployed to other health facilities in the urban centre.

The conflicts came to the limelight today morning during a meeting in which the community members, political leaders from both Kasese District Local Government and Kasese Municipality and the health workers at Kilembe Mines Hospital were hosting the Government Assurance and Implementation Committee of Parliament of Uganda.

The Government Assurance and Implementation Committee of Parliament of Uganda is currently traversing a numbers of districts in Western region to ascertain if the pledges made by government to the citizens are being fulfilled.

While at Kilembe Mines Hospital in Bulembia Division, the political wing expressed disappointment when the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Barnard Balyana reported that the facility that formerly had 82 health workers is currently being run by  only 14 medical staff following the recent withdrawal of 68 members.

He added that the health facility is no longer receiving funds and medical supplies from government. 

Mr. Zedekiya Kambasu Kayiri, the Kasese Municipal Deputy Town Clerk, explained that they were forced to make transfers and redeployments of health staff to the cost centres as guided by government. 

According to him, Kilembe Mines Hospital is not among the list of cost centres with employees who receive government salaries.

Kayiri’s explanation did not go well with the Municipality Member of Parliament, Hon. Ferigo Kambale, who accused the Municipal Technical Staff for their alleged failure to cooperate with the political leaders.

According to Hon. Kambale, it was agreed during a meeting of stakeholders that was held recently that the workers be deployed to the cost centres for the purposes of getting salaries but remain working at Kilembe Mines Hospital to serve the population.

Hon. Sylivia Bahireira, the Kamwenge District Woman Member of Parliament who is a member of the Government Assurance and Implementation Committee, described the deactivation of the health facility as suicidal to the people of Kasese especially those living in the mountainous areas.

Hon. Moses Acrobat Kiiza, the Member of Parliament for Bughendera County in Bundibugyo district, noted that there was no reason for Kilembe Mines Hospital to be closed, describing it as a referral hospital to the people living in at least eight districts in the Rwenzori sub-region.

Hon. Florence Kabugho, the Kasese District Member of Parliament, who is a committee member, sympathized with the expectant mothers from the mountainous areas that she said; find it hard to access health services.

The Kasese District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi told the committee that they were wondering why the new site that was inspected by government to host Kilembe Mines Hospital has never been utilized.

According to the District Boss, they were told that the Central Government had earmarked shillings 2 billion for the construction of the health facility but the money has never been seen.

According to Muhindi, they had that the central government had earmarked shillings 2 billion for the construction of the facility but they have never seen the money.

Responding to the concerns, Hon. Joyce Bagala, the Chairperson of the Government Assurance and Implementation Committee, assured the population of Kasese that they would advocate for the reactivation of Kilembe Mines Hospital.

According to her, their work is to ensure that the citizens receive quality services from government.


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    Oh…. My God

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