Uganda Urban Council Speakers decry a low pay


Uganda Urban Council Speakers Association – Western Region Chapter Annual General Meeting which was held today at Kasese Multipurpose hall in Kasese Municipality have raised a concern of low pay and allowances comparing to the duties they perform.

Given the fact that they are only city speakers who get monthly salary, they also want other speakers of the lower local governments to be considered. They also want fulltime offices from where they work from where they can conduct their official business and coordination’s

While reading a report, Mr. Henry Nasaasira the chairman (UUCSA), noted that given the fact that they attend to a lot of government business, they also request government like other bodies, to let them go for a refresher training to interact with well informed facilitators at Kyankwanzi political training center.

Mr. Swaib Ukash Musenene the Kasese Municipal Council speaker while giving his remarks on behalf of the municipality asked his fellow leaders to be patriotic and transparent.

Ms. Angella Birungi the Chairperson Women’s League Kasese District appealed to the women to also compete with men especially in the forth coming general elections.

She courted the already elected women to be the voice for other women through advocacy programs that would benefit them.

Hon. Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga, the Minister of State for ICT and National Guidance who was also the Chief Guest at the meeting quoted the   political leaders to always work as a team, avoid misuse and abuse of offices.

He also warned them against corruption saying the vice contributes to poor service delivery to the community.


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