35 -year-old man goes missing in Nyakatonzi sub- county, Kasese


The search for a 35 – year-old Geoffrey Mbafu, a resident of Bukangara I village, Kasasi Parish in Nyakatonzi sub-county, Kasese district who went missing on March 08, 2024 has today entered the fourth day.

Mr. Godfrey Begumisa, the area Local Council I Chairperson says Mbafu, a Cattle keeper in the area went missing from his home after yet unknown people called him for a drink at nearby trading centre at around 8pm and up-to-date he has never returned.

Begumisa explains that despite mounting a joint search of some officials from Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and residents, their efforts have remained fruitless. 

Mr. Michael Rucwanisa, the Local Council I Chairperson for Bukangara II village says with the help of police, at least four suspects have so far been arrested to aid the investigations.

SP Nelson Tumushime, the Rwenzori East Regional Police Spokesperson who confirmed the incident to Messiah Radio said security operatives would intensify their efforts in investigating the case and find the root cause of Mbafu’s disappearance.


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