Kasese Municipal Councilors clash with the Town Clerk over accountability issues


A section of Kasese Municipal Councilors last evening clashed with the Town Clerk, Mr. Geoffrey Bamanyisa, arguing that he allegedly failed to account for shillings 36 million meant to facilitate training of two staff members on occupation in health and safety under the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID).

During the second extra-ordinary Council sitting yesterday at the Central Division Council hall in Kasese town, the Councilors noted that despite their resolution to have shillings 36 million disbursed to facilitate the training of two staff members on safety of roads being constructed in the urban centre under USMID programme, they were disappointed when the Town Clerk told them that he released money for training one person while the funds to facilitate the second person were reallocated for  a benchmarking tour of the councilors.

He also categorically put it clear that the reallocated money would be brought back to the coffers and pay for the training of the remaining person.

Mr. Rabson Mupango, the Kasese Municipal Deputy Mayor who also doubles as the Secretary for Finance, Planning and Administration who was asked to give a report detailing the expenditures to the councilors denied having any knowledge about the expenditure and referred the matter to the Accounting Officer (Town Clerk) who was present in the council sitting. 

Jolly Biira, the Chairperson for the Social Services Committee disagreed with the Town Clerk, alleging that during the benchmarking exercise, the Accounting Officer told them that he borrowed the money from a private lender where shillings 10,000 for interest was deducted from the emoluments of each councilor. 

She was thus dismayed when the same person told them that he used part of the money that had been allocated for the training of two staff members to facilitate the benchmarking tour.

Zaulia Kyakimwa Muheka, the Municipal Woman Councilor representing Nyakabingo Kirembe, Nyakabingo I and II Wards stressed that they were satisfied with the accountability given to them by the Town Clerk and demanded for a refund of shillings 10,000 that was deducted from the emoluments of every Councilor for interest of the borrowed money from a private lender.

 Jimmy Mutsumba, the Municipal Male Youth Councilor, suggested that a committee meant to investigate the claims should be instituted.

Mr. Swaib Ukash Musenene, the Kasese Municipal Council Speaker, agreed with Mr. Mutsumba and a committee was immediately instituted to carry out inquiries and report to Council in its next sitting that is expected to be held in this very month.

He also directed the Town Clerk to provide certificates acquired by the person he claims to have undergone training.


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