Stanbic Bank partners with head teachers to empower students to become job creators across the country


In an effort to expand its reach and impact within the secondary education sector, Stanbic Bank Uganda has forged a ground breaking partnership with head teachers from across the country. The partnership aims to recruit these head teachers as ambassadors of the Stanbic National Schools Championship (NSC), a prestigious enterprise challenge that empowers students to become the job creators of tomorrow.

Diana Ondoga, the Corporate Social Investment manager emphasized the importance of increasing the number of participating schools in the Competition from the current 160 to encompass all 5,000 secondary schools nationwide.

The partnership with ASSHU, which represents over 5,000 secondary schools and 5 million students across 146 districts, is poised to revolutionize the NSC program. Leveraging existing structures and platforms provided by ASSHU, Stanbic Bank aims to ensure that every secondary school in Uganda has the opportunity to participate in the championship.

As part of the collaboration, ASSHU will play a pivotal role in disseminating information about the NSC to its extensive network of head teachers. The organization will also facilitate capacity building sessions to equip head teachers with the knowledge and resources needed to guide their students through the competition.

ASSHU proposed the implementation of targeted awareness campaigns and capacity building initiatives. In addition to promoting entrepreneurship among students, the partnership between Stanbic Bank and ASSHU will also focus on environmental conservation efforts through promoting tree planting.        ENDS              

1 Comment

  • Peace Aidah March 5, 2024

    Hopefully it does become helpful.

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