A section of mothers from Bwesumbu Sub-county, Busongora County North in Kasese district has blamed the failure to educate their children on excessive alcohol consumption and lack of cooperation especially on the side of men.
The mothers sounded the remarks yesterday while addressing the acting Kasese District Education Officer, Mr. Ernest Bwambale Thabugha during a parents’ meeting at Kaswa Primary School.
They alleged that most men in the area spend much of their money in buying and drinking alcohol as well as marrying other women at the expense of educating their children.
The mothers noted that they are always eager to educate their children but lack support from their husbands.
Mr. George Masereka, the Head teacher at Kaswa Primary School emphasized the need for the parents to love and wholeheartedly support their children in all ways to ensure safe stay in school and complete studies.
Responding to the mothers’ concerns, Mr. Thabugha explained that parents ought to play a big a role in their children’s education.
He observed need for the parents to always create a friendly relationship with the school management committees as one way of boosting their children’s education.
The District Education Boss strongly discouraged men from the act of investing their money in marrying other women but advised them to invest it in educating their children as the only tool for a better life.