NUP in Kasese concludes forming its party structures


The National Unity Platform (NUP) political party has concluded the exercise of forming its structures in Kasese and maintained Mr. Bryans Basisa as the District party Chairperson.

The structures are aimed at intensifying the mobilization strategies of the party in preparation for the 2026 general elections.

At an exercise that was held yesterday at Collins Palm Gardens in Rukooki Ward of Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality, the party members also selected Ms Suzan Kabugho as the Deputy Vice Chairperson, Abel Kule as General Secretary, Patrick Muthanaba as Secretary for Finance and Joseph Kateeba as Secretary for Persons living with disabilities among others.

Speaking in a jovial mood shortly after being declared winner, Mr. Basisa pledged to interest himself in intensifying the mobilization strategies so that the party that he subscribes to becomes stronger.

Hon. Jackson Mbaju Kathika, the Rwenzori Regional NUP mobilizer and parliamentary hopeful for Busongora County South, explained that they are currently forming structures to rectify the gaps and so that they form a firm foundation.  

Mr. Sam Baluku, the parliamentary hopeful for Kasese Municipality used the same platform to encourage the youth to participate in politics so that they acquire the leadership skills.


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