Kasese residents encouraged to strengthen their relations with security forces


Residents in Kasese district and other surrounding areas have been encouraged to strengthen their relations with the security forces in an attempt to enhance peace in the region.

The encouragement was sounded yesterday by Lt. Joe Walusimbi, the Kasese Resident District Commissioner while presiding over the 43rd Tarehe Sita celebrations for the district at Hima Playground in Hima Town Council.

The Army Officer explained that there was need for the cordial cooperation between the community members and security forces to eliminate the ADF remnants that sometimes destabilize peace in the district.

He, however, hailed the armed forces for what he called good work done as far as wiping out some terrorists that crossed into the district is concerned.

Col. Saul Nabimanya, the Commandant of 222 Mountain Brigade explained that despite restoring peace in the country, the armed forces have also contributed much in the socio-economic transformation of communities through forming SACCOs and other projects meant to eradicate poverty from the communities.

The District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi, pledged that the Local Government would closely cooperate with security forces to ensure that the gospel of socio-economic transformation reaches many communities and hence fight against poverty. He subsequently commended the security forces for establishing programs that are beneficial to the civilians. 

In her remarks, Ms Hilda Businge W’abukombi, the Hima Town Council L. C III Chairperson, applauded the security agencies for being in good terms with the community members, adding that such relations indicate that peace has prevailed in the region and the country at large.


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