More than 500 people turn up for dental services in Kasese Municipality


Over 500 people today thronged Railway Health Centre III in the Central Division of Kasese Municipality to seek free dental services at the facility.

The incident happened after the residents were informed that For World Wide Smile, a nongovernmental organization based in America has been coordinated by former Kasese Municipality Member of Parliament, Hon. Robert Centenary to conduct a free medical camp at the facility.

Mr. Joachim Bwambale Bagheni, a resident of Railway Ward explained to our reporter that his three children had stayed at home with dental problems because he did not have money to pay for the service until when he heard about the extension of a free medical camp in their ward.

Joseline Mbambu, a 70 – year old resident from Kamaiba Ward who also thronged the health facility, appealed to all the leaders to think of organizing such specialized medical camps for treating dental and eye problems which he said are common among the elderly.

Dr. Shinn Sherwin, the team leader For World Wide Smile said they were overwhelmed by the increased number of patients aged between 30 and 70, appealing to the community members to always take care of their teeth.  

Hon. Robert Franco Centenary, the Programs Coordinator explained that they decided to organize a free dental camp after realizing that most people were staying with dental challenges.


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