Bishop Baluku directs church to buy bibles for newly confirmed believers

Kabatunda Archdeaconry in South Rwenzori Diocese has been given an ultimatum of December 15, 2023 to have bought Bibles for the 50 candidates that were presented for confirmation without bibles.

The ultimatum was a directive by the South Rwenzori Diocesan Bishop; the Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku after realizing that out of the 56 confirmation candidates, only six had their personal bibles today at St. Peter’s Kabatunda Church of Uganda Parish in Kabatunda Archdeaconry. 

The prelate wondered how the candidates could be presented for confirmation without their Bibles.

The Bishop argued that church leaders want to make it a habitual tendency of presenting confirmation candidates with borrowed or no bibles yet personal bibles are a requirement for one to be confirmed in the Anglican faith.

On Thursday at St. John’s Nyabirongo Church of Uganda in Kisinga Archdeaconry, the Prelate tasked Kisinga Archdeaconry council to buy 15 bibles for the fifteen Christians that were discovered without any after confirmation. 

Ven. Jozet Baluku Kyuma, the Archdeacon at Kisinga Archdeaconry vowed not to register again any candidate for confirmation before presenting and confirming that those bibles belonged to them, arguing that the church has no money to keep buying bibles for Anglican Christians who well know that a Bible is a necessity.

Ven. Patrick Mumbere the archdeacon for Kabatunda Archdeaconry pledged to abide with the directive of the Bishop to ensure that all the newly confirmed believers have personal bibles.

Mr. Simion Nzoghu, the head of laity at Kabatunda archdeaconry, said bible apps on mobile handsets are partly to blame for the slow rate at which people especially youth are buying physical bibles.


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