Two bodies secretly buried in Kisinga to be exhumed

The bodies of two people who were allegedly killed and secretly buried by one Jackson Muhindo Kasulenge from Kamughobe village in Kisinga Sub-county in Kasese district will be exhumed next week and accorded a decent burial.

On Wednesday, Police in Kasese finally acknowledged having in custody a one, Muhindo, who is suspected to have killed the duo including Mary Biira, his wife and Joiles Kabutusu Kasulenge, his biological brother.

Biira aged 40 went missing early April until last Thursday when Muhindo allegedly accepted that he killed his wife on allegations of adultery. It is also alleged that Muhindo secretly buried the two people in different locations but on his personal pieces of land in Kamughobe village.

Speaking to Messiah Radio today afternoon, the Kisinga Sub-county Chairperson, Mr. Julius Mukeri reported that all has been set for the two bodies to be exhumed next week and buried decently.

According to him, police will first take Muhindo to the places where he secretly buried the bodies so that they are indentified before acquiring a court order authorizing the relatives to exhume them.

Mukeri, who regretted the incident, reported that cases of Gender Based Violence in his elective area.

He appealed to the residents to always report such cases to the relevant authorities including police, local and cultural leaders before they cause havoc in his area of jurisdiction.


1 Comment

  • Mukongoma Joel October 13, 2023

    Thanks for the updates MESSIAH RADIO

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