South Rwenzori Diocesan Bishop asks learners in candidate classes to remain strong

Learners in their candidate classes in Kasese district have been encouraged to remain strong and avoid being terrified.

The encouragement was sounded on Monday by the Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku while addressing the students, teachers and parents that had thronged Standard High School Nyamwamba for a confirmation of 20 students into the Anglican faith and dedication of 84 S.4 candidates and 34 S.6 candidates.

Bishop Baluku stressed that most of the learners tend to panic, get mixed reactions of whether they would grasp what they had studied when the examination period approaches and at the end of the day lose focus.

Preaching under the theme, “”Enduring the tasks ahead of you,” that was drawn from the Biblical Book of Joshua 1:16, the Bishop encouraged the learners to remain focused, not to look left and right but to concentrate in their lanes as well as the Word of God.

He explained that it would be good for the scholars to understand the determinants of their future through taking education as a priority.

Bishop Baluku used the same platform to encourage the parents to be of good courage and supportive to their children during examinations time.

In his remarks, Mr. Enock Bwambale Friday, the Deputy Head teacher for Standard High School Nyamwamba said dedicating the candidates to God was a reminder that there was need to commit themselves to the Almighty during the examination period, urging the candidates to have time for God ahead of their final examinations. 

According to him, their part as a school is done and the remaining time was for the candidates to meditate on what they had been taught.

Speaker after speaker encouraged the scholars to always put God first in their academic journey.

Mr. Robert Bariyo, the School’s Head teacher  and Mr. Ronald Happy the S. 6 class teacher urged them not to be terrified or worried of the forthcoming examinations, reminding them of the Biblical teachings that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. 

On his part, Mr. Bariyo encouraged them to always wakeup, pray, praise and worship the Lord before entering the examination hall, adding that anything that begins with a prayer will never fail. 


1 Comment

  • Bwambale Ednus October 11, 2023

    Indeed they should be strong 💪 and pray to God

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