
Kasese District Disaster Managment Committee delivers hand washing facilities, soap to flood affected families


Kasese District Disaster Management Committee has delivered relief items to the people who were recently affected by floods from Lake George at Kasenyi Fish Landing Site in Lake Katwe sub-county.

Two months ago, Lake George flooded leaving a section of people homeless while others lost an assortment of items to the floods.

Hon. Muzamiru Bisanga Kigere, the District Councilor representing Lake Katwe Sub-county together with the local leaders from Kasenyi Parish handed over the relief items including mobile latrines, three hand washing facilities and 11 boxes of soap to the 50 affected families on Thursday at Kasenyi Health Centre III.

While handing over the relief items on behalf of the district leadership, Hon. Bisanga described them as the ever first help that has been given to the people at Kasenyi Fish landing site, explaining that they have they have not yet been included in the data bank of the district that caters for the people and areas that experience abrupt calamities.

Mr. Wilson Asiimwe, the L. C III Chairperson for Lake Katwe Sub-county observed need for the people living at the Lake shores to vacate to safer places so that they are not hit by floods when they occur.

He also warned the families without places of conveniences to at least construct one.

Some of the affected residents explained that they were happy with the little that they were able to receive from government. They however, requested government to improvise for them some places of shelter, mosquito nets and food stuffs among others.

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