
Court orders Mujungu to pay shillings 183 million to Kathika for expenses


Information obtained by this online/Radio indicates that High Court in Fort-portal has ordered the Busongora County South Member of Parliament, Gideon Thembo Mujungu to pay without fail costs incurred by Hon. Jackson Mbaju Kathika arising from an election petition.

After the 2021 parliamentary elections, the Electoral Commission declared Hon. Gideon Thembo Mujungu, the NRM flag bearer as the duly elected MP for Busongora County South in Kasese district but his election was later petitioned in Court by Hon. Jackson Mbaju Kathika, who was by then an independent candidate in the race.

 Despite a High Court pronouncement that was in favour of Hon. Mujungu, Kathika ran to the Court of Appeal in Kampala that overturned the ruling of the lower court and ordered for a by –election and payment of expenses incurred by the appellant.

Afterwards, Hon. Mujungu also ran to Court in Fort-portal complaining that the costs amounting to shillings 183 million were exorbitant and that the said amount of money should be paid by the Electoral Commission.

But during High Court ruling at its sitting today in Fort-portal, Justice Emmy Mugabo ordered Mujungu to pay the money to Kathika without fail.

Speaking to the press shortly after the Court ruling, Kathika appealed to Mujungu to look for him so that together they draft a mode of payment for the money.

When contacted on phone, Hon. Mujungu told Messiah Radio that he was not yet aware of such information.


  • Joan kabugho May 31, 2023

    Kathika should forgive his father and wait for the coming term

    • Masereka Sylvanhos October 26, 2023

      Nobody is above the law.

      Let hon. Mujungu pay the expenses incurred by KATHIKA because the ignorance of the law has no defense.

      Thanks for keeping updating us, we who are far.

  • Baluku Moses June 1, 2023

    That’s good news

  • Biraghiro Robert June 3, 2023

    The truth shall set us free

  • Tumusiime March 20, 2024

    Kasereka Leonard is human being, should be forgiven. Thanks,

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