Kasese leaders seek for clean crop multiplying centers


Kasese District Local Government has appealed to the central government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Fisheries-MAAIF to introduce a clean material multiplying centre in the district.

The request follows the outbreak of Banana Bunchy Top Virus disease- BBTV in Kasese district which has affected at least 90% banana plantations in Bukonzo County West.

Representing the Kasese District Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. Elius Byamungu, the District Communication Officer, Sharon Kabugho at the closure of a 3-day engagement for smallholder farmers on Banana Bunchy Top Virus Disease which was held at TJ Global Hotel in Kasese town yesterday, reported that in Kasese district every farmer plants their own crop varieties which are sometimes not guided by expert knowledge.

Kabugho also called on the extension workers to prioritise the fight against Banana Bunchy Top Virus in Kasese district.

In his remarks, the Kasese District Secretary for Works and Technical services, Mr Karim Baluku Kisembo, who represented the District Chairperson, urged the ministry of agriculture to move very fast and curb further spread of Banana Bunchy Top Virus.

the Kasese District Principal Agricultural Officer, Julius Rukara, revealed that he is working with the leadership of the eight lower administrative units in Bukonzo County West to ensure their Councils pass a by-law to have all the affected banana plantations uprooted.

 Dr. Alex Barekye, Head of Banana Research program at the National Agricultural Research Organization- NARO urged farmers to prioritize spraying their banana plantations as a way of containing the spread of the plant virus. ENDS

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