At least 553 households that were affected by this year’s landslides in Kyondo sub-county have received over shillings 316 million to help them rehabilitate their items that were destroyed during the calamity.
In May, Kasese district received above normal rains that caused devastating floods and mudslides leading to destruction of property including houses and crops. The incident also left scores of people dead.
In Kyondo sub-county, the victims are currently encamped at Kithangetse, Kanyatsi and Busingo.
Following the catastrophe, Caritas Kasese with funding from the Catholic Relief Services secured US dollars 150,000 approximately shillings 555,087,300 under the Emergency Assistance to Mud/Landslides – Affected Households’ Project in Kasese district to help the organization extend a helping hand to the flood victim in form of food, non food items and financial support.
On Thursday , Caritas Kasese organized an exit meeting at the District Multipurpose hall aimed at handing over field reports and giving accountability of the money that the organization has been able to disburse to the victims to the district leadership.
Rev. Fr. Anyasio Mbusa, the Executive Director for Caritas Kasese told the meeting that the organization did not consider the victims’ religious and political affiliations while giving out money to the beneficiaries because it is faith based.
The Man of God also noted that much as the project has ceased, Caritas Kasese would continue making follow-ups on the victims, sensitizing them about the need to plant trees on the bare hills and valleys in an attempt to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Mr. Mustafa Kikusa, the Principal Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, appealed to the development partners to sensitize the beneficiaries about the proper utilization of the funds given to the flood victims in a bid to prevent cases related to domestic violence.
Mr. Girivazio Monday Bwambale, the Kasese District Secretary for Social Services who represented the District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi at the meeting, observed need for the residents to embrace the idea of shifting to other districts that are not prone to disasters.
According to him, 21 sub-counties in Kasese district have been declared as disaster prone areas, hence a threat to the population.
Mr. Jovinal Muke, the Kyondo Sub-county Chairperson, commended the donors for their support to victims he said were in dire need.