50 Mothers’ Union members from South Rwenzori Diocese leave for South Ankole diocese


A delegation of 50 Mothers’ Union members from South Rwenzori Diocese has today left Kasese district for the regional Music, Dance and Drama competitions in Ntungamo, South Ankole Diocese.

The regional competitions which are scheduled for tomorrow August 29 and Friday August 30 will attract at least 15 Dioceses across the Western Region.

While flagging off the team that had thronged at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Kasese town for a church service today afternoon, Rev. Can. Nelson Walina, the Diocesan Secretary, who hailed the members for their cooperation, unity and coordination, stressed that the competitions were another way of preaching the Word of God through Music, Dance and Drama.

In his remarks, Rev. William Muhindo Musisi, the Diocesan Director of Mission and Evangelism, who is also part of the team that left the Diocese, encouraged the Mothers’ Union members to be mindful of time management in their performances during the competitions.

Rev. Betty Mbambu Mweru, the Diocesan Mothers’ Union Coordinator, explained that such competitions expose the mothers to more other skills that are necessary for improved performances.

The Diocese that would emerge the best in the regional competitions would then go to the headquarters of the Province of the Church of Uganda to compete with teams from other Dioceses that will have emerged the best in their respective regions. ENDS            

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