5.5 million raised for plastering St. Peter’s Nyamugasani Anglican Church of Uganda building


At least shillings 5.5 million has been raised in cash and pledges at a fundraising drive aimed at plastering and procuring windows to shut St. Peter’s Nyamugasani Anglican Church of Uganda building in Rwesororo Parish, Kisinga Archdeaconry in South Rwenzori Diocese.

Mr. Simon Mwanguhya, the Head of Laity for the said church told the congregation that turned up on Sunday for the event that they were looking for shillings 13 million to have the work completed.

In her remarks, Lay Reader Juliet Masika Kyabanawandi encouraged the Christians to be prayerful so that God blesses their works.

Dr. Julius Monday Bwambale Rude, who was the Chief Guest at the function that he attended online donated shillings 1 million towards the noble cause.

Other donors at the function included all the lower churches in Rwesororo Parish and Christians from Rwesororo Full Gospel Church, Nyamugasani Roman Catholic Church and Nyamugasani Baptist Church.


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