47% of the vendors at Kasese Central Market defecate in buckets, research unveils


Students pursuing Public Health at Mbarara University of Science and Technology have revealed that compliance to the health and sanitation precautions by some communities around Kasese town is low.

The revelation follows a mini- study that was conducted in January this year in some selected wards in all the three Divisions of Kasese Municipality.

During the dissemination of the study findings to the Municipal leadership today morning at the Mayor’s Boardroom, the team highlighted that the public was still lacking enough sensitization on good feeding, malarial prevention and personal hygiene and sanitation among others.

Mr. Andrew Christopher Wesuta who covered some parts of the Central Division indicated that at Kasese Central Market in the Town Centre, access to latrine was standing at 88%  but 53% of the shopkeepers consistently use the provided facilities while 47% use buckets due to fear of the user fees.

Ms. Elizabeth Arinda, a student pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Health whose case study centered on diarrhea among children aged 05 in Kidodo Cell, Railway Ward of the Central Division, revealed that the prevalence was standing at 29% due to open defecation taking place in the area.

She also noted that the population in the area had not embraced good public health practices including hand washing and proper disposal of domestic wastes.

Dr. James Winston Asasira, who carried his study from Nyamwamba Division, observed that the area was still grappling with poor solid waste disposal which he rated at 62.5%. 

Dr. Patrick Musinguzi, who works with the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau and a student pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Health, explained that malarial cases were reported in Rukooki Cell among children aged 05.

He attributed the challenge to the people’s reluctance to sleep under treated mosquito nets, noting that only 27% use the nets appropriately.

Ms. Beatrice Kimono, who handled nutrition in Katiri Cell of Bulembia Division, observed that the exclusive breastfeeding of children was at 57% while 95% of the families in the area were not having enough food and 81% of the population in the area drinks water which is not boiled hence leading to the prevalence of diarrheal infection that she rated at 24%. 

The Kasese Municipal Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Joy Muhindo who applauded the efforts of Mbarara University, noted that their study and findings were an eye opener to the authorities hence a need to strengthen community awareness campaigns.

The Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner in -charge of Busongora County, Mr. Zepher Mubingwa encouraged the health department to prioritize preventive health campaigns among the people in their respective communities.


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