26 people undergo Measles Rubella treatment in Kasese district


At least 26 people in Kasese district are currently undergoing treatment after presenting signs and symptoms of Measles Rubella.

On February 04, this year, the Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of Measles Rubella in Kasese after three siblings in Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality tested positive for the disease.  

Mr. Stephen Bagonza, the acting District Health Officer confirmed the incident to Messiah Radio but didn’t divulge details of the health facilities that the patients are being treated from.

According to him, after presenting signs and symptoms of the disease, the District Health department was left with no option apart from taking the victims to various health facilities for diagnosis and treatment.

Mr. Bagonza, who made the revelation today afternoon shortly after the District Taskforce Meeting that was held at the Mayor’s Boardroom in Kasese town, also indicated that they were monitoring other 41 probable cases (alerts) from a number of villages.

Mr. Arafat Bwambale, the Kasese District Surveillance Focal Person noted that the exercise of vaccinating children aged between 6 months to 14 would continue in schools and selected centres from the communities in Nyamwamba Division where the confirmed cases were registered and Central Division because of its proximity.

According to him, ever since an accelerated mass vaccination campaign was launched in the two divisions, they have been able to vaccinate 88% of the targeted population of whom 18,953 are males and 20,936 females.

The Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner in -charge of Busongora County, Mr. Zepher Mubingwa who chaired the meeting directed the health team to always report individuals that allegedly sabotage the vaccination exercise so that they are apprehended.  


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