
14 Abducted Individuals Rescued from ADF Rebels in DRC, Rehabilitated in Kasese


In a daring rescue operation, the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) successfully rescued fourteen out of the sixteen people abducted by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The rescued individuals have been officially received at a rehabilitation center in Kasese town, but two are still undergoing medical treatment at Muhoti due to injuries sustained during the rescue process.

Hon. Christopher Mbalilbulha Kibanzanga, the team leader for the Presidential Initiative on Peace, Security, and Development in-charge of the Rwenzori Region and DRC, welcomed the rescued group at the rehabilitation center.

Speaking to the press, Hon. Kibanzanga revealed that the majority of the rescued individuals are women and children from the DRC, with one woman being abducted from Burundi.

Among the returnees is Ms. Ivon Shasi, who shared her harrowing experience during captivity.

She recounted being abducted with her husband and three children, sadly mentioning that the rest of her family members did not survive the ordeal. Having spent one year in the bush, Ms. Shasi described the challenges she and her colleagues faced, including enduring long distances on empty stomachs.

Mr. Fenahasi Bwambale Kisokeranio, an ex-combatant working at the rehabilitation center, took the opportunity to urge the remaining ADF rebels still hiding in the bush to surrender willingly to the government. By doing so, they would be eligible for rehabilitation and reintegration into society, just like the rescued individuals.

Expressing their gratitude, Ms. Shasi and her fellow returnees praised the UPDF for their heroic efforts in rescuing them from the clutches of the ADF rebels.

They shared their relief at being back in Uganda and experiencing the peace that had eluded them during their time in captivity.

The rescue operation serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts by the Ugandan government to address security concerns in the region and bring back peace and stability for its citizens.

The rehabilitation center in Kasese town continues to provide essential care and support to the rescued individuals as they start their journey toward recovery and a new life.

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